Calendar events updated by meeting organizeris not moved automatically in my calendar



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange


I have been using entourage for almost half a year. I have one big problem that is treathning to force me back to my old computer if unsolved. The problem occur when a meeting is updated (change of dates or time) by the organizer. The event does not automatically move to the new suggested date, but stays unchanged in my calendar view. This happens despite that I have checked the automatically accept meeting inviations box under preferences.

Does anybody have a solution to this problem?

Thank you very much!

Tom Christian

William Smith [MVP]

I have been using entourage for almost half a year. I have one big
problem that is treathning to force me back to my old computer if
unsolved. The problem occur when a meeting is updated (change of
dates or time) by the organizer. The event does not automatically
move to the new suggested date, but stays unchanged in my calendar
view. This happens despite that I have checked the automatically
accept meeting inviations box under preferences.

Hi Tom!

The preference you've checked does not apply to Exchange. No version of
Entourage automatically tentatively accepts meetings in Exchange
accounts. Exchange Server 2007 itself will do this for you but not
Exchange Server 2003.

Are you receiving updates to your meetings? The sender should be sending
them and you should be accepting them.

Hope this helps!



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