Calendar, if paid on date, not count prior


Jake F

I'm trying to track time spent on a monthly calendar in excel. I need to
create function to total the hours each week and then those are totaled by
month. If the hours are paid on wednesday, is there a way to not calculate
the hours for monday and tuesday? This is probably more work to setup than
will save me time, but now that the question is in my head I need to know if
it's possible.

Luke M

Its possible. Without knowing exactly how your formulas are setup, my help is
limited, but I would suggest looking at the WEEKDAY function for a way to
determine if a date is Monday or Tuesday.

Roger Govier

Hi Jake

Presumably those hours are going to have to be counted as part of the next
pay period..
I think the easiest way would be to enter into 2 cells the earliest date you
want to pay and latest date you want to pay.
will give the answer.
Substitute the cell ranges for Dates and Hours and the cells where you have
entered Earliest and Latest.

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