Kit Marty (CHM Consulting)
I have our church's calendar in Outlook 2003 (website is www.fccmedina.org).
I have a couple of issues:
1) For the past two months, when I try to save the calendar as a webpage, I
get the message "Operation Failed" with no error code or other info. It
doesn't seem to matter if I have FrontPage open or not or whether I'm trying
to save 1 month or 6 months. Even when it works, I HATE the implementation
of this in FrontPage with only 1 item showing in the calendar grid and
everything else showing in list format on the right side of the page.
2) I'd really like something that looks "just like Outlook's monthly
calendar", but in FrontPage for our members to see ... where they can all
events in the day and you could double clikc on an event to see the details
behind it. I also want to be able to populate this calendar in FrontPage
from Outlook, either by "Save as Web Page" or and export/import feature.
Can someone please help me (by the way, I'm not an html programmer ... I use
the features of FrontPage, I don't write code). Thanks in advance.
Kit Marty
I have a couple of issues:
1) For the past two months, when I try to save the calendar as a webpage, I
get the message "Operation Failed" with no error code or other info. It
doesn't seem to matter if I have FrontPage open or not or whether I'm trying
to save 1 month or 6 months. Even when it works, I HATE the implementation
of this in FrontPage with only 1 item showing in the calendar grid and
everything else showing in list format on the right side of the page.
2) I'd really like something that looks "just like Outlook's monthly
calendar", but in FrontPage for our members to see ... where they can all
events in the day and you could double clikc on an event to see the details
behind it. I also want to be able to populate this calendar in FrontPage
from Outlook, either by "Save as Web Page" or and export/import feature.
Can someone please help me (by the way, I'm not an html programmer ... I use
the features of FrontPage, I don't write code). Thanks in advance.
Kit Marty