Calendar in Separate Window


Chris Cairns

We have several users who schedule appointments for other users. They
usually just click on file and Open other user's folder and it opens the
calendar in a new window that way it is always handy and they don't have to
leave what they are doing in outlook to use the other calendar.

We upgraded to Outlook 2003 and noticed that when we open another user's
folder it actually stays in the same window. Is there a way to force a new

Or is there a separate calendar viewer? I think I recall seeing one for
older versions of outlook.

Chris Cairns

Ok, apparently you can still open in a new window if you add the user's
mailbox to your list and then locate the calendar and right-click and choose
open in new window.

It also appears automatically as long as you do not close that new window
when you exit outlook.

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