Calendar, Tasks, Contacts Gone after Domain Rollover


Robert Johnson

So here is the situation,

We recently migrated domains. In doing so the IT Manager here created a new
profile for the new domain user and then copied the existing user
preferences, (through my computer, properties, advanced, user profiles) to
the newly created user and domain. Upon loging out and then back in the new
user authenticated to the domain correctly, all of the desktop settings, user
documents etc... moved to the new login, but none of the outlook settings
transferred over. Upon looking at this it does not appear that the local
settings file was copied over when the domain user was copied. This is on XP
with Outlook 2003. I was not in the office when the IT manager did this and
was unable to make a backup of the outlook box prior to this rollover
occurring. Is there anyway for me to get my contacts, calendar and tasks
back? The previous user profile under documents and settings no longer
exists. All I have are the new domain user, admin and the root domain users.
I have admin rights across this machine and am actually the IS manager here
but I can not seem to find my old files.


Brian Tillman

Robert Johnson said:
Upon looking at this it does not appear that the local settings file
was copied over when the domain user was copied. This is on XP with
Outlook 2003. I was not in the office when the IT manager did this
and was unable to make a backup of the outlook box prior to this
rollover occurring. Is there anyway for me to get my contacts,
calendar and tasks back? The previous user profile under documents
and settings no longer exists.

You're screwed, then, unless an undelete tool can locate the files for you. is one.

Robert Johnson

Just as I thought. Unfortunately an undelete tool is not doing the job and
even if it did, I do not know what issues would arise in XP by trying to
bring back a user profile that is dead and buried. Afterall it is XP that
removed the original users directory in the first place.

Thanks for your help.

Brian Tillman

Robert Johnson said:
Just as I thought. Unfortunately an undelete tool is not doing the
job and even if it did, I do not know what issues would arise in XP
by trying to bring back a user profile that is dead and buried.
Afterall it is XP that removed the original users directory in the
first place.

Even if you were to "bring back" a user profile, it really wouldn't be the
same user because Windows assigns a unique binary value to each new
username. Even it if exactly matches a previous name, it's still a
different user. Moreover the user profile folder would be new and contain
only the default folders.

Brian Tillman

Robert Johnson said:
Just as I thought. Unfortunately an undelete tool is not doing the
job and even if it did, I do not know what issues would arise in XP
by trying to bring back a user profile that is dead and buried.
Afterall it is XP that removed the original users directory in the
first place.

Oh, using an undelete program to recover a deleted folder that happens to
have a user's name won't affect Windows at all because you wouldn't be
recreating the username itself.

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