Calendar View for OneNote 2007


Josh Einstein

Hey guys I'm a Tablet PC MVP and I just wanted to post a message here to let
you know about a free application I wrote specifically for OneNote 2007
users called OneNote Calendar. It is *not* tablet-specific. Basically, it's
a view that shows your OneNote pages by when you wrote them, not where. It
has a preview pane and screen orientation/resolution switching for Tablet PC
users. You can double click a page on the calendar to open it in OneNote or
create a new page from the calendar.

You can download it from the URL below (sorry I haven't gotten around to
documentation or even a web site yet) and below that is a URL to a message
post in a forum that contains screen shots and some comments from other

Download (Requires .NET 2.0 and OneNote 2007, you must use IE to install
from this page as ClickOnce does not currently support Firefox. IE does not
have to be the default browser.)

Forum Post

Let me know what you think or if there's any ways you think I can improve

Josh Einstein

Thanks, yeah that's a "ClickOnce" deployment. It's a new kind of deployment
mechanism in .NET 2.0 and up that attempts to give you the best of both
worlds (web and desktop applications). If I release a new version of the
application you'll get the opportunity to upgrade almost effortlessly, yet
the application runs offline and has the same capabilities of other desktop

OneNote Calendar.

Very interesting. It's very cool how it breaks you out of OneNote's
hierarchy, to more of a Date-oriented/Timeline approach!

Gosh I hope this is the start of some cool OneNote "extensions".

Þór Sigurðsson

Josh Einstein said:
Thanks, yeah that's a "ClickOnce" deployment. It's a new kind of
deployment mechanism in .NET 2.0 and up that attempts to give you the best
of both worlds (web and desktop applications). If I release a new version
of the application you'll get the opportunity to upgrade almost
effortlessly, yet the application runs offline and has the same
capabilities of other desktop applications.

Quite creepy tho that the UAC in Vista didn't even make a bleep when I
installed it.

Neat application Josh :) Thanks. I'm sure I'll use it. ( Neat way to sneak
in a "free" ad too ;) )


Daniel Escapa [MS]

Josh thanks again this really is a great tool! If you ever want to write up
how you wrote it I can point to it from my blog.

Nice work and thanks for posting it here!

Josh Einstein

The reason Vista's UAC doesn't care is because it only checks for changes
that would be machine-wide. Because OneNote Cal is a ClickOnce installed
application, it is only installed for the current user. (The actual
installation directory is in some cache location buried in your user profile
directory.) So since the application doesn't do anything that would require
admin rights, UAC isn't concerned.

Anyhow, thanks for the compliment. I'm gonna see about removing the TEO ad
if the machine either 1) doesn't have a digitizer installed thus no reason
for the ad, or 2) has TEO installed.

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