Calendar View - Taskpad



In the past, when using previous versions of Outlook (I use 2003 now),
the Taskpad window would show me which tasks were current for whatever
date view I was looking at. However, in previous versions whenever I
completed a task and checked it as complete, the task remained in view
but with a line drawn through it.

Now, with the 2003 Outlook, whenever I complete a task it disappears
from the Taskpad window. Granted, I can always switch over to view my
Tasks but it was very convenient to see just from looking at the
Taskpad what I'd accomplished in the day (and helped me complete my
timesheets so much quicker).

I've tried looking for any setting on the view customization for either
Calendar, which is the main window open when looking at Taskpad, or at
Taskpad settings itself, but can't find anything that would indicate an
ability to keep completed tasks showing, at least through the day it
was completed.

Does anybody know how I can effect this view with Calendar/Taskpad
short of reverting to the older version of Outlook?


Roady [MVP]

Works the same as in previous version sof Outlook; you can change the view
of the Taskpad itself.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

Roady's spot on...

You can set the way the TaskPad works through View | TaskPad View | then
pick how you want it to behave. You can also right click the column headers
of the TaskPad and Customise Current View.

I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook
Canberra, Australia

"I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow." (Woodrow
Roady said:
Works the same as in previous version sof Outlook; you can change the view
of the Taskpad itself.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

In the past, when using previous versions of Outlook (I use 2003 now),
the Taskpad window would show me which tasks were current for whatever
date view I was looking at. However, in previous versions whenever I
completed a task and checked it as complete, the task remained in view
but with a line drawn through it.

Now, with the 2003 Outlook, whenever I complete a task it disappears
from the Taskpad window. Granted, I can always switch over to view my
Tasks but it was very convenient to see just from looking at the
Taskpad what I'd accomplished in the day (and helped me complete my
timesheets so much quicker).

I've tried looking for any setting on the view customization for either
Calendar, which is the main window open when looking at Taskpad, or at
Taskpad settings itself, but can't find anything that would indicate an
ability to keep completed tasks showing, at least through the day it
was completed.

Does anybody know how I can effect this view with Calendar/Taskpad
short of reverting to the older version of Outlook?


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