Moss David Posner
I have been completely unable to print out a weekly calendar in columns.
This is most unfortunate as this appears to be the most useful foremat. I
can produce a monthly or a daily calendar in columns (as for example is
clearly seen in the monthly calendar format. But I cannot for the life of
me figure out how to do this for a week--work or calendar week.
A related item: How do I transfer a task from a list of tasks--to a
specific calendar item format--without having to start all over with the
same data. Is there no way--with the push of a button or two--to bring the
task into being as a calendar item? I like to list tasks--then to put them
in time slots. I don't see how that can be done with Entourage. It can be
done with Access.
Your answers are much appreciated.
Moss David Posner, M.D.
This is most unfortunate as this appears to be the most useful foremat. I
can produce a monthly or a daily calendar in columns (as for example is
clearly seen in the monthly calendar format. But I cannot for the life of
me figure out how to do this for a week--work or calendar week.
A related item: How do I transfer a task from a list of tasks--to a
specific calendar item format--without having to start all over with the
same data. Is there no way--with the push of a button or two--to bring the
task into being as a calendar item? I like to list tasks--then to put them
in time slots. I don't see how that can be done with Entourage. It can be
done with Access.
Your answers are much appreciated.
Moss David Posner, M.D.