Calendars in projects



Hi Guy's
I have a question regarding Project calendars.
I have setup a enterprise calendar with standard week Mon-Fri with sat and
Sun as wekeend.
As resoucres are working on multipal projects at a time, if a particular
resource must work on particular weekend, I can go and mark him as a work day
on that weekend in calender (work times).
My question is how will this affect other projects where this resource is
used, as in other peojects also it will mark this resource as working on that
weekend ?
Any suggesations to handel this issue


Rod Gill


I would create a new Enterprise calendar called Weekends and set it up to
only have weekends working. You can also create a 7 day calendar. Now
double-click the task that needs to be done in a weekend and click the
Advanced tab. Set the Weekend calendar for the task's calendar and set it to
over-ride any Resource calendar. Now your task is scheduled for a weekend
with no affect on other projects the resource is working on.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


Hi Rod, Thanks for that useful information.
Can we have as many enterprise calendars with large number of people working
across the globe ?

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