Calender of Jobs



We have a cleaning business that we enter into a table the Property Date to
be cleaned and special notes and prices
As our business has grown when we clean a Unit or House they will book in
for a clean in 2 or 3 months time
We are worried about overbooking - what I want is a Calender to appear on
the screen and according to the month entered I want to fill in the calender
showing how many jobs on each day (the file also has the time taken to do
each clean - I would like that also
I have looked up ActiveX Calender but am not sure if this is the best way to
go about it - I can do a Report of all future jobs but that is not
satisfactory - If somebody rings in to book a clean I need the calender so I
can answer them on the phone that we can do it on such a date or suggest
another date
I have Access 2003 and Windows XP


The Database is used from three computers and only one computer has Outlook -
the others did not install Outlook as they wanted different email systems

Tom Wickerath

Hi Nylex,

The other two users could always load Outlook, but use some other e-mail
client software as their default. However, in order to get a common calendar
with Outlook, I think you would need to base it on an Exchange server
installation, which is likely more expensive and complex than what you need.

If you want to do this within Access, your choices include building it
yourself or purchasing something that someone else has already created.
Access MVP Albert Kallal has a nice scheduling calendar solution that I've
seen in his applications, but I'm fairly certain that he does not give this
away for free. His solution does not require an ActiveX control. You might
contact him to see what you can work out, as one possibility. Here is a URL
to his web site:

Another possibility might be Calendar Tools from DBI Technologies, Inc.:

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

John... Visio MVP

Steve said:

I have a calendar form and a calendar report that I previously developed
that I could implement in your database for you for a resonable fee. The
calendar form and calendar report look like a page you tear off a wall
calendar. You can display different data for each day. In your case, you
can display your bookings. Multiple bookings could be displayed each day.
The year and month are selectable o you could check your bookings for any
date. If you are interested, contact me at (e-mail address removed).


Okay class repeat after me: These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for
FREE peer to peer support.

Steve is a known troll and only haunts these newsgroups to prey on
unsuspecting posters with offers of questionable help at an unreasonable
price (or resonable as stevie puts it)

Oh stevie, handling the garbage you generate in these newsgroups IS a
Professional activity.

John... Visio MVP

Tony Toews [MVP]

Steve said:
I have a calendar form and a calendar report that I previously developed
that I could implement in your database for you for a resonable fee. The
calendar form and calendar report look like a page you tear off a wall
calendar. You can display different data for each day. In your case, you can
display your bookings. Multiple bookings could be displayed each day. The
year and month are selectable o you could check your bookings for any date.
If you are interested, contact me at (e-mail address removed).


Your repeated comments looking for work are not wanted in these
newsgroups. These newsgroups for peer to peer free support.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

Tony Toews [MVP]

Steve said:
You are wrong! I am offering the OP help with the jobs calendar he needs. I
can implement just what he is looking for. It is up to the OP to decide if
he wants my help.

No Steve, you are wrong.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


Spammer "Steve",

This group is for free assistance, not your advertising, not your spamming.
It is not up to you to decide whether you can violate the terms, conditions,
and charter of the newsgroup.

Besides, seems people who know about Access evaluate that not only aren't
you likely to be able to implement exactly what the poster wants, but that
you aren't likely to implement anything, successfully. That is, if your posts
here are any indication.

Gen'l Access

John... Visio MVP

Stevie, nobody cares. These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE
peer to peer support. Whether you think you can implement what you think the
OP wants is immaterial. For some reason, you seem to be the only one who
does not understand the concept of FREE peer to peer support.

The only thing you did was regurgitate a small portion of the OP's request
and claimed it was a solution. You seem to think that those pseudo data
structures qualifies as an answer. They are not.

There are proper venues for you to hawk your snake oil and this is not one
of them. Or do you not think that you can compete with professional

So stevie, just take your vallium and go away. On second thought, skip the
vallium and just go away.

John... Visio MVP

John... Visio MVP

Must be Thanksgiving, the turkey is running around with his head cut off!

John... Visio MVP

Tony Toews [MVP]

Steve said:
No, Tony, you are wrong! I CAN implement just what the OP is looking for.

You could possibly do a mediocrely adequate job.

However these newsgroups are for free peer to peer support.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

Tony Toews [MVP]

Steve said:
You have NEVER seen one of my completed projects.

It is totally ignorant of
you to make any judgement of what I can do.

It's an educated opinion based on the quality of your previous
postings in the newsgroups.
Furthermore, you have responded three times now in this thread and have
offered NO HELP to the OP.

Tom W's doing a fine job there.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

John... Visio MVP

"ignorant not educated"? What kind of a phrase is that? It just shows how
well educated you are.

Considering some of Bob's posts, being "as ignorant as Bob Quintal", is a
definite complement. being as smart as "PCDatasheet" would be an insult.

Just a slight hint, Tony is NOT a canadien.

John... Visio MVP

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