I have a form that is based on a query. The criteria is a
date range. Is there a way to have a user select the date
from a drop down calender date as opposed to keying it in?
and how?
Have you tried using Access's calendar object?
Insert it, and name it to your liking.
Call for it's value for your queries.
If you're unsure about its values and what the results will be sent to the
query, add a text box and set its value as the calendar's.
calStart (calendar One...start date)
calEnd (calendar Two...end date)
create text boxes called txtStart and txtEnd and when they get focus(before
clicking the 'calculate' button,
txtStart = calStart.value
txtEnd = calEnd.value
in your query, use paramters to your liking referencing back to your text
box values.
hope this gets you started