Call a form to display multiple records



I currently have a form with an unbound text box that I use to search
interchanged part numbers in a database for the entered record. For instance,
I type 01130, press [Enter] and it finds 98765-123 as I want it to. The
database has no duplicate records NOW. I now have a need to add duplicate
records in the search field with similar part numbers: Example: Three fields
used; I can store the NumberID records without the hyphen if necessary.

ProductID NumberID Number
1 01130 98765-123
2 01-130 6549-876
3 0-1130 543-1234
4 011-30 654-9876
I would like to type all numbers as stripped (01130) and have a form that
opens and displays all options above (01130,01-130,0-1130,011-30). I
then want to select the desired record, close the form after selecting and
have it find and display my selection on the primary form. Can
anyone PLEASE help me? Greatly appreciated.

Michel Walsh


You can add a criteria on a computed column. Example:

"01130" = Replace(NumberID, "-", "" )

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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