Call an addin function from a document



I have an addin which customizes the ribbon.
When a particular document is opened/closed I would like to call the
myRibbon.InvalidateControl("TabID") in the addin to make the tab visible or
I'm presuming the code is with the document in the Document_Open and Close
procedures but I don't know where to start to call the callback function in
the addin.

Does this make sence, if so, any ideas.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Q3Jlc3Rh?=,
I have an addin which customizes the ribbon.
When a particular document is opened/closed I would like to call the
myRibbon.InvalidateControl("TabID") in the addin to make the tab visible or
I'm presuming the code is with the document in the Document_Open and Close
procedures but I don't know where to start to call the callback function in
the addin.
What kind of Add-in? (VB6, Shared Add-in, VSTO, other?)

If I'm following your scenario correctly, what you need to do is set up event
handlers in your Add-in for the two events.

But you may (also) need to track the DocumentChange event, as well, if you
want the Ribbon to display different content for various open documents.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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