Call ComboBox from Parameter Query


Patrick Rouse

Is there a way to have a parameter query ask a user to
choose from a combobox instead of having the user type in
an answer?

Patrick Rouse
Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

Rick Brandt

Patrick Rouse said:
Is there a way to have a parameter query ask a user to
choose from a combobox instead of having the user type in
an answer?

No, you would need to provide your own form and place the ComboBox on that.
This form cannot be automatically prompted simply by running the query so
you have to reverse the situation. Instead of the query being run causing
the form to appear (as with a parameter query), you first open the form and
then use an event on the form to run the query. The query is then modified
to use the ComboBox as its criteria.

Patrick Rouse

Cool thanks.

-----Original Message-----

No, you would need to provide your own form and place the ComboBox on that.
This form cannot be automatically prompted simply by running the query so
you have to reverse the situation. Instead of the query being run causing
the form to appear (as with a parameter query), you first open the form and
then use an event on the form to run the query. The query is then modified
to use the ComboBox as its criteria.

I don't check the Email account attached
to this message. Send instead to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com


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