call query to populate txtbox

  • Thread starter pclis007 via
  • Start date

pclis007 via

My situation: IE: My form is comprised of a cmd button grid, A1 thru D10.
When you click on cmdButton A1, it populates a cell ([txtGrid]) on the form
with the value "A1". I have a standalone query ([qryCellProduct]) that
bases it's filter off of the contents of [txtGrid], using the following
statement in the [CellLocation] field:


The results of the query show data including a product assigned to that
cell, and the cell grid number.
What I need to do is somehow populate [txtProduct] on the same form with the
results of the query. Note: The query cannot get results until after that
cmdButton is clicked. I don't know how to call a query using VBA, otherwise
I would do that in the OnClick event of the cmdButton, IE:

Private Sub cmdA1_Click()

Me!txtGrid.Value = "A1"

If IsNull(txtGrid) = False Then
Me!txtProduct.Value = qryCellProduct!product

Any ideas?



Ofer Cohen

If the query return only one record, use DlookUp to return the value from the

Me!txtProduct = DLookUp("product","qryCellProduct")

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