Call Subform2 from Subform1 on Main form.




I have a main form that has two subforms. I am trying to change the record
source of Subform2 on the OnCurrent Event of Subform1 .
I get a run-time error 2455 - You entered an expression that has an invalid
reference to the property Form/Report.
I have tried:

Me.Parent.Form.Subform2.RecordSouce = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ID = " &
Me.Parent.Form.Subform2.Form.RecordSouce = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ID =
" & Me.ID
Me.Parent.Subform2.RecordSouce = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ID = " & Me.ID
Me.Parent.Subform2.Form.RecordSouce = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ID = " &
Me.Parent!Subform2.RecordSouce = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ID = " & Me.ID
Me.Parent!Subform2.Form.RecordSouce = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ID = " &

It seems that the syntax would be easy but I am really stuck on this. What
I would like to do is set the record source and refresh Subform2.
Any suggestions?


Sandra Daigle

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