I have two worksheets, the first stores results from various tests. One test
is performed on every tenth specimen. When the data from this every tenth
test changes, a Worksheet_Change macro runs and pulls the data from the last
30 specimens into another worksheet where I analyze the data using a chart
and various SPC tests.
I have another Worksheet_Change macro in the SPC worksheet that will run
when the 30 test results are updated (manually). If the results fail any of
the SPC tests, an email is automatically sent.
My question - Is there a way to tie run the Worksheet_Change macro from the
SPC Worksheet at the bottom of the original Worksheet_Change? I have seen the
post "How to call a macro from another worksheet" on 7/12/06, but if I move
my Worksheet_Change macro from the SPC Worksheet to a General Module, it no
longer works when I manually update the data in teh SPC Worksheet.
Any ideas? Is it even possible to call one Worksheet_Change macro from
another Worksheet_Change macro?
I have two worksheets, the first stores results from various tests. One test
is performed on every tenth specimen. When the data from this every tenth
test changes, a Worksheet_Change macro runs and pulls the data from the last
30 specimens into another worksheet where I analyze the data using a chart
and various SPC tests.
I have another Worksheet_Change macro in the SPC worksheet that will run
when the 30 test results are updated (manually). If the results fail any of
the SPC tests, an email is automatically sent.
My question - Is there a way to tie run the Worksheet_Change macro from the
SPC Worksheet at the bottom of the original Worksheet_Change? I have seen the
post "How to call a macro from another worksheet" on 7/12/06, but if I move
my Worksheet_Change macro from the SPC Worksheet to a General Module, it no
longer works when I manually update the data in teh SPC Worksheet.
Any ideas? Is it even possible to call one Worksheet_Change macro from
another Worksheet_Change macro?