Calling macros width arguments in winxp


Isidro Vila Verde

Dear All,

I need your help.

What I have is a woorbook wih a lot o sheets and in the first sheet I
put a button for each sheet associated with a macro and a argument
('gotows "sheet1"'), wich is the name of worksheet that I want to
This is the code:

Public Sub gotows(m As String)
End Sub

And it work fine in my win2k pro with excel 2002.

But when I try to run it on a winxp, also with excel 2002, the actions
associated with buttons 'gotows "sheet1"' do nothing. But if I call a
macro without any arguments it work fine. The problems is just the
macros with args.

Can you help me please,


Tom Ogilvy

Using arguments in Onaction macros is not a documented capability. There
have been reports that it isn't supported in xl2002 or event back to xl2000
with SP3 (as I recall). Yours is the first I have seen that said it was
supported in xl2002 and the difference is in the operating system version.

Anyway, If it doesn't work, I don't think there is a way to make it work.
Just to let you know that there is such a problem.

Isidro Vila Verde

So I need to change my strategie...

Thank you very much, Tom, for your info.


PS: in xl2002 + win2k it work fine in several computers that I try.

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