Calling Query from Query



Is it possible to call one query from another?

If I have a query named GetStuff like:
select stuff from table_name where id=@ID;

How do I call this from another query? I saw another post
that showed this method:
select * from Call GetStuff(1);
but that doesn't work.

If this is not possible, is it possible to call a VBA
function from a query?

Jeff Boyce


If you're working in the Access user interface, you can simply design a new
query and select the old (GetStuff) query as the "source" you're querying.

Or have I misunderstood your question.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


How then do I pass the parameter to the "GetStuff" query
(I can't have an input box pop up)?
If you're working in the Access user interface, you can simply design a new
query and select the old (GetStuff) query as the "source"
you're querying.

Jeff Boyce

If the input box pops up for the GetStuff query, it will pop up for any
query based on GetStuff.

If you are saying you DON'T want an input box to pop up, how do you now get
the parameter to your GetStuff query?

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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