Calling same event for all the toolbox controls in the sheet



How can i call the same event for all the toolbox controls in an excel
I have got a code from this site to call the same event if the controls
are of same type.
This is the code for calling the keydown event for textboxes. But is
there a way I can use the same code for all the controls in the
sheet(option button, textbox etc).

'in the workbook open

Public C As Collection
Set C = New Collection

For Each Obj In Sheet1.OLEObjects

If (TypeOf Obj.Object Is MSForms.TextBox) Then
C.Add New Class1
With C(C.Count)
Set .TB = Obj.Object
Set .Object = Obj
.Index = C.Count

End With
End If

Next Obj

' in the class1 module

Public WithEvents TB As MSForms.TextBox
Dim I , TBCount As Integer

Private Sub TB_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode <> 9 Then Exit Sub
TBCount = ThisWorkbook.C.Count
If Shift Then
If Index = 1 Then I = TBCount Else I = Index - 1
If Index = TBCount Then I = 1 Else I = Index + 1
End If
End Sub

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