calling Word from an .xlm macro: how to?



Dear all,

I've been using an Excel application for many years now (since 1994 or so) ,
which employs an .xlm file full of macro's.
On of the things it does is call Word for prinitng purposes. Specifically,
after opening Word, it tells word to open a new file based on template
TMPLT, like this:

=FILE.EXECUTE(0;[FileNew.template ="TMPLT"])

This worked fine in Wordbasic times, i.e. up to and including Word 95, of
which I kept a copy around for many years especially for this purpose.
However, that is no longer an option now.

If I try to run my macro against current Word, I get an error like "function
not supported by object", and tracing it yields a temporary VB-module
which contains only this:

Private Sub TmpDDE()
WordBasic.Call "FileNew.template" = "TMPLT"
End Sub

That does not get me anywhere. So what am I to do?

All help very much appreciated!


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