Camera Control through Access



Hello, I would like to control a digital camera and take link the photoraph
with Name of the person. I have got the SONY digital Camera. Actually the
total photographs would be quite large approx 40000.

I'd like to have a button on a form command the camera to take a
picture, save it to a particular file using the records primary key (cardno)
the image file saved should have the same as that of the data in cardno field

Further because the size of the total photographs to be captured in the
database is huge - I would like to keep the size as small as possible. What i
want is just a stamp size photoprahs- even B/W would be OK

I'd be very appreciative if someone can help me in this excercise!


Douglas J. Steele

Access doesn't store images very well. You'd be best off storing the
pictures external to the database and simply store links in the database.

Fellow Access MVP Larry Linson suggests the following:

The sample imaging databases at illustrate three
approaches to handling images in Access, and the download includes an
article discussing considerations in choosing an approach. Two of the
approaches do not use OLE Objects and, thus, avoid the database bloat, and
some other problems, associated with images in OLE Objects.

If you are printing the images in reports, to avoid memory leakage, you
should also see MVP Stephen Lebans' is an Access97 MDB containing a report that fails during
the Access formatting process prior to being spooled to the Printer Driver.
This MDB also contains code showing how to convert the contents of the Image
control to a Bitmap file prior to printing. This helps alleviate the "Out of
Memory" error that can popup when printing image intensive reports.

If you've already starting storing images in your database, and you'd like
to export them all, see:


Thanks Dauglas,

The suggestion given are useful for implementation of Photographs in
database but what I really want is to name the file being transfered from
camera to PC based on the field content of database. I am in process of
implementation of Hospital Information System and there would be
approximately 40000 beneficiaries. photograph of all beneficiaries needs to
be captured and made available to the doctors online.


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