Can a currency have a drop down box!



Is it possible to have a currency field yet at the same
time have a drop down box.

This is because i need to work out how much is being
recieved which i can do through a query. However we have
five different price ranges and i cant seem to make the
query work by adding up the totals when it works as a drop
down box.

Does any one know a solution to this problem!



Ed Robichaud

Currency is a data/field type (actually a "number" type , formatted as
currency). Almost any field on a form can be reformatted as a combo-box
control with lookup values. Use the combo-box wizard to create a new
control bound to your [price] field or change an existing control to
combo-box by selecting <design view><format - change to>.


Jeff Boyce

I'm a little confused. Currency is a numeric data type. You are describing
a "price range", which would have to be a text-type field. Can you describe
a bit more about what you are trying to do?

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