Can a PivotTable have multiple data types?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Say I have a PivotTable that is very basic, it shows my customer names in rows, and my columns are like Q1 Sales, Q2 Sales, Q3 Sales.

All this works fine. But lets say I have another column of data I would like to show, such as "last order date", and if I add that, then it tries to Sum this data, like it does for my Sales columns. Instead I want it to show the Max Date for example. Is there a way to have a column in a PivotTable that is a different data type (date instead of currency for example) and have it do a different data operation on this column? If not, what would be the best way to do what I am wanting to do?



JE McGimpsey

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Say I have a PivotTable that is very basic, it shows my customer names in
rows, and my columns are like Q1 Sales, Q2 Sales, Q3 Sales.

All this works fine. But lets say I have another column of data I would like
to show, such as "last order date", and if I add that, then it tries to Sum
this data, like it does for my Sales columns. Instead I want it to show the
Max Date for example. Is there a way to have a column in a PivotTable that is
a different data type (date instead of currency for example) and have it do a
different data operation on this column? If not, what would be the best way
to do what I am wanting to do?

Sure. select one cell in the PT date data, choose Field Settings from
the PT dropdown on the PT toolbar, and choose Summarize by: Max.

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