can a shape know what it is connected to?



I am working on an Organization Chart which connected to a database.
What I am trying to do is have the reports_to field I have to
automatically fill in when a connection is made (instead of having to
do it manually).

For example, I add in a new position, and draw in the line to connect
him with a manager. Is there a way for this shape to know that he is
reporting to this manager? I have a custom property that indicates the
ID for each position. (ie. New position ID500 reports to Manager

Any helps or tips would be appreciated.


Thanks for the reply John.

I looked at the blog and don't see what I should do. I am still
learning VBA and Visio object model and found it hard to follow what
was done in the example in the does can a shape know what is
connected to it?


A shape has a connects collection property. This collection contain connect
object that are the connection point. Each connect object has property
FromSheet or ToSheet that gives the shape connected to this connect object.

I suggest you to download the Visio sdk and browse the help included in it.
It can help to better understand the information contained on the blog John
pointed to.

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