can a single trigger be used more than once on one slide



I have set up a 15 second timer in the form of an ascending line for a
quiz competition. This is triggered off when i click on a wordart
element created by me for this purpose (to act as a trigger). Since i
have 4 questions on this slide that are to be asked one after the other
(each havig a limit of 15 secs) i need to trigger this ascending line
timer (the ascending line merely shows the progress of time and ends in
a buzzer sound) four times per slide. How can i do this as i find that
once a trigger is called upon it cannot be restarted (retriggered) Any
solutions or work arounds except for creating four seperate slides with
one question each

John Wilson

You can definitely use triggers more than once!

Here's one way to get what you need

Place the line in its final position and give it an entrance animation of
fly in from bottom. Choose very slow and then in the timing tab change the 5
seconds to 15 seconds

Trigger this from your button
Now give the line an exit (say fade) - after previous and add the sound to
this animation . In the custom animation pane drag this second entry below
the first so that both are under the grey trigger.

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