Can Access compare multiple fields from multiple tables?

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Comparing Multiple Fields

I am wondering if a macros can be written to compare multiple fields from one
table to anither. For example:

Tbl_Michigan_Address Tbl_Ohio_Address
Address Street Zip Address Street
12345 Hill St 55555 12345 Hill St
67890 Lane St 55555 67890 Lane St

Can access compare the Address, Street, and Zip fields separately for line
one of both tables and return a value of FALSE because the Zip numbers are
different. And similarly can it return a value of TRUE for line 2 because
all 3 fields are the same. BUT it but conpare each field separately NOT the

Brian Tillman

Comparing Multiple Fields <Comparing Multiple
I am wondering if a macros can be written to compare multiple fields
from one table to anither. For example:

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