Can Access do PivotTable running total?



I bring data down from our school database into Excel then import into Access
then query to give me students that increase their grade 1 whole grade , then
export back to Excel to run a pivottable that does a running total column
then link it back into Access to take where a student could have six rows in
Excel & Access and break it into course 1 to course 6 all in one record or
row in order to merge into a Word document for printing onto a Award
Certificate - SO my hope was to do a running total in Access instead of just
a sum per student - like Excel.
Can Access do a running total in Access pivottable. HELP


SueC said:
I bring data down from our school database into Excel then import into Access
then query to give me students that increase their grade 1 whole grade , then
export back to Excel to run a pivottable that does a running total column
then link it back into Access to take where a student could have six rows in
Excel & Access and break it into course 1 to course 6 all in one record or
row in order to merge into a Word document for printing onto a Award
Certificate - SO my hope was to do a running total in Access instead of just
a sum per student - like Excel.
Can Access do a running total in Access pivottable. HELP

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If I understand your problem correctly, the answer is No, not in the
cross-tab query (Access' original name for pivot table). I'd probably
make another query that used the pivot table as the source. Ex:

The name of the pivot table: qryPivotTable.

Then use that query in the running total query:

FROM qryPivotTable As A ...
.... etc. ...

There are many examples of running total queries in this newsgroup's
archives (Google groups). Look them up, if you need examples.

The final query will probably run slowly because the cross-tab query has
to run before the final query.
MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)
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