Can access quit without an error message?



I have an access program that runs every night, started up with Windows Task
Scheduler. At the end it saves the results into a memo field of a record,
and emails the text to the admin. before closing itself. I try to trap all
errors, but occasionally I come in to find an error message on the screen,
nothing unusual there. A couple of times, however, when I came in there was
no error message, no saved text, no email, but task scheduler says the app
started on schedule.

Are there situations where Access will encounter an error and close without
an error message? Perhaps it did something so bad that Windows shut it down
without any message?

Thanks in advance for any help with this issue


Tom Wickerath MDB

you're an idiot

Access Data Projects and MSDE have this functionality built in
it is called SQL Agent

why reinvent the wheel?

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Answer is -- yes. Reason is --- completely depends.... on what the
programming is doing, what issue ACCESS might encounter that would cause it
to close, etc.

You'll need to give us more details about what program steps the database is
running -- I assume it starts via an AutoExec macro? More info is needed in
order for us to assist.


Thank you for your pithy reply. I am using Access in this instance as a
front end to a postgreSQL database on a unix server. Perhaps a genius like
you could explain how to set up SQL Agent in this environment?


Thank you, knowing it can happen is good enough for now, I was afraid I was
loosing my mind (still a possibility) or the janitor was maliciously messing
with my computer at night.

I am using Access in something of a non-standard environment: as a front end
to a postgreSQL database running on a unix server. At night I process
records from an online training system to determine which students, if any,
have become eligible for completion certificates, which have accounts about
to expire without completion, etc. etc. I have created an object (class
instantiated as an object to be more accurate) which does the processing. I
have a form designated as the startup form, and in the form_open event I
instantiate the class and tell it to do it's job, then quit when the object
completes it's task. Windows task scheduler starts the access application.
I log every record before I process it, so I can tell where the job croaked,
but in the 3 years this has been working I have never encountered an instance
where access just 'went away', either I have trapped a given error in an
error log, or an error is on the screen when I come in in the morning. Now
that I know that access can close without leaving a message I will tease out
the problem, though I think I will start with compact/repair and recompile,
as I write this I realize this hasn't been done in a while. Perhaps related
to this, a couple of days ago I got a screen error telling me that,
basically, access had lost reference to an object while it was being used.
This now leads me to think that corruption may have crept into the access
file. Thank you for your reply.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Corruption is certainly a possibility, and doing a decompile, etc. is a
great first step.

However, also look at your programming to see if any error handler might
cause code execution to "end" and not generate an error message to the
"user". Such as, no connection to the postgreSQL database, or cannot find an
object, or other possibilities. This type of problem can be "fun" to track
down, so I wish you success!

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