Skip --
Only the manager who created the Status Report request can delete it. Since
that manager has moved out of your division, here is a trick you can use to
"impersonate" the manager:
1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click Admin - Manage users and groups
3. Select the name of the manager and click the Modify User button
4. Select the Project Server authentication option at the top of the Modify
User page
5. Remove the text in the User Account field and enter the real name of the
6. Set the Account Status to Active, if necessary
7. Click the Save Changes button
8. In the upper right corner of the PWA screen, click the Log Off link
9. In the User Name field, enter the name of the manager exactly as you
entered it in step #5
10. Do not enter a password and click the Go button
At this point, you have now logged in as the project manager in question.
Refer to the following link to delete the Status Report request: Documents/deletestatus.htm
Hope this helps.