Can an incrementing value in a cell point to different worksheets?



I want to increment a value in a cell formula to refer to sequential
worksheets. i.e. - my worksheets may be labeled 1,2,3,4,5,... etc. I want to
use a formula that will cause a cell in each row to refer to the next
worksheet . i.e. - as the row number increases, I want the worksheet
reference in the cell formula to increment and thus get its data from a
different worksheet.

Is this possible? Any help would be appreciated.


You can use the INDIRECT function for this. Essentially, you create
the cell reference as a string and use this in the function to get
data from that cell.

Unfortunately your description is a bit vague, so I can't recommend a
specific formula to you - perhaps you can post back with some details
of the cells/columns you use.

Hope this helps.


Gary''s Student


=INDIRECT(ROWS($1:1) & "!A33") and copy down.

The sheet number will increment and not the cell address. This will only
work if the sheets actually are named 1,2,3,4,...

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