Can anybody reproduce my EXPLODING filesize workbooks? 100kb -> 30



I have a problem. I was doing some plotting of result with embedded charts
(approx 10 xy-plots) in a sheet. When I save the workbook the first time
there are no problem, but whenever I open it the second time (and save it
again) the filesize goes from 100KB to 30MB. without changing anything!

Try opening the file:

And save it in a new filename. Why is this happening? how do I neglect the

NO the file does not have any macro/vira or anything.. only some raw data in
sheet1 and some embedded charts of the data.


I tried saving your workbook, opening it, made a minor change or two, saved,
closed and reopened, but it was still around 30MB. I then printed it out,
saved and closed it. Voilà! 116KB.

I've noticed this kind of problem before, so try printing to a different
printer (I have a generic/text only printer driver installed on FILE: for
just this purpose) and see if the file you save after printing hasn't shrunk
to a more reasonable size.

You didn't mention the Excel version you are using: mine is 2000 Danish.


Hi Ildhund (Firedog)

I can reproduce the BUG in Excel 2000 and 2003 on 98 and XP.

To reproduce the bug:
Make a few columns of data plot the data using XY-charts. When defining the
series mark the whole column (wich makes excel use 32000 rows) as x and y
data. Now save the file and you are left with 100kb. Open it and save it
again. WHOILA! 29.9MB of crap (but the workbook still works)!

Could anybody notice Mircrosoft about this bug or are they just to ignorant
to keep a form for submitting bugs?

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