Can anyone else help me?



Hello, I posted a question earlier, I want to know how to apply security to
a SPLIT database. I don't know whether I need to put security onto the front
ends or the back end. If I put it onto the back end which is what I suspect
I should do, how is that going to affect the operation of all the front

I don't mean to sound patronising, but please, no more general info about
how to secure a DB that's not split.


Mark Page

-----Original Message-----
Hello, I posted a question earlier, I want to know how to apply security to
a SPLIT database. I don't know whether I need to put security onto the front
ends or the back end. If I put it onto the back end which is what I suspect
I should do, how is that going to affect the operation of all the front

I don't mean to sound patronising, but please, no more general info about
how to secure a DB that's not split.


I'm no expert, so I stand to be corrected. As I understand
it if you secure the front end you have secured the
database, which is the bit that does all the thinking. As
it does all the thinking it is the most precious part of
the application. What it is thinking about is (to continue
the analogy which is rapidly running out of steam)of less
importance. So get the FE right, I suggest.

I would have thought that there is no reason why both
can't be secured separately, using separate MDW files and

But as I said I'm no expert...

Over to Joan and Rick, I guess...



Lynn Trapp

You need to secure both the frontend AND the backend using the same
workgroup information file. If you secure the tables before you split the
database, it will not carry over to the new backend when you split it.

Lynn Trapp

Mark Page said:
As I understand
it if you secure the front end you have secured the
database, which is the bit that does all the thinking.

While the frontend of a split database may be doing a lot of the work, the
most important part of a database is the data and that will be in the
backend. It needs to be more secure than the frontend. Thus, Francesca needs
to secure both the frontend AND the backend using the same workgroup
information file.

Mike H

Thanks Lynn - any chance you could point me in the direction of an article
or tips which explain how to secure both front & back ends?


(PS I'm using a friend's machine here, so don't reply to this email
address - just use the group)

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