Can anyone suggest a book on WordML?


Paul Shapiro

I have been automating Word with VBA for many years, but for a new
application I would like to look into creating documents with WordML. I've
looked for good tutorial/reference books at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but
nothing looks great. Does anyone have a book to recommend?

Cindy M.

Hi Paul,
I have been automating Word with VBA for many years, but for a new
application I would like to look into creating documents with WordML. I've
looked for good tutorial/reference books at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but
nothing looks great. Does anyone have a book to recommend?
The only book I know of is "Office 2003 XML" from O'Reilly press. I thought
it wasn't a bad introduction to the topic...

At this point, I'd look at the 2007 OpenXML file format, as earlier versions
of Word (back to 2000) can read that format if the Compatibility Pack is
installed. There's even a website dedicated to this, with forums: The WordOpenXML bases on the Word 2003
WordProcessingML, but is, of course, extended.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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