Can anyone tell me how to use this code?



I received this information from another poster but I am unsure where to
actually input this data. I went thru the sdk for hours and hours and no
such luck. Can anyone let me know where to look to put this info in?

<xsd:element name="switchViewAction">
<xsd:attribute name="view" type="xsf:xdViewName" use="required"/>
<xsd:keyref name="switchViewAction_view_keyref" refer="xsf:view_name_key">
<xsd:selector xpath="." />
<xsd:field xpath="@view"/>

<xsd:element name="closeDocumentAction">
<xsd:attribute name="promptToSaveChanges" type="xsf:xdYesNo"

Greg Collins [InfoPath MVP]

It would be best to ask the original poster of this code.

This is XML Schema code. It appears to have something to do with view switching, but being schema, I'm not sure what their intentions are, nor where they expect you to add it, nor how they expect you to use it.

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