Can data be sorted by the length in a field



Swithching to a new computer system at work and the current description field
has 35 characters and the new description field only has 30. I am trying to
sort the original description field that I dumped into excel by the length of
the field. Is this possible?


NanAnn58 said:
I am trying to sort the original description field that I dumped into
excel by the length of the field. Is this possible?

Depends on your constraints. I would create a parallel column or row of
helper cells, fill it with =LEN(A1) etc, then sort the pair of columns or
rows by the helper cells.

Alternatively, you could write a macro.

----- original message -----

Gary''s Student

Use a helper column. Say the text data is in column A. In B1 entrer:
=LEN(A1) and copy down. Then sort cols A & B by B.

David Biddulph

Add a helper column, with the formula =LEN(A2) and copied down.
Select your full ranmge of data, including all the rows & columns you want
including, and sort by the new helper column.


Thanks, worked perfectly.

Gary''s Student said:
Use a helper column. Say the text data is in column A. In B1 entrer:
=LEN(A1) and copy down. Then sort cols A & B by B.

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