Can Data or graphics in OneNote 97 be copied to (exported to) my mobile device



I have an Ipaq 910 phone with With Windows Mobile installed. Can I take
anything created in OneNote and transfer or export to my mobile device.
Thanks for any help here



Sorry Ben. OneNote 97 is correct. We can't expect you folks to be mind
readers. That's what happens when you get in a hurry ... Win Mob 6.1.6965
and yes it has been installed on the Ipaq handheld.

Rainald Taesler

Jerry said:
Sorry Ben. OneNote 97 is correct.

For sure *NOT*. There was no such thing as OneNote *97*.
The first version was ON2003.

If you have ON2007 you could use OneNote Mobile on your iPAQ.

This synchs fine with ON on a PC.
I'm using this combination as part if my daily work.

There are some restrictions, f.e. if there are several containers in a
page, each container will be on a separate page on the mobile devices.
The main thing is, that only *one* section will be synched. So one has
to move/copy the pages to be used on the mobile device to this section.

With graphics it depends in the type of graphics.

But why don't you just try it out?
It does not take more than 5 minutes to get ON Mobile going on a WM


We can't expect you folks to be mind


So I need (would appreciate) a step by step on how to take a page from ON on
my desktop to my Ipaq that has win mobile installed on it

Rainald Taesler

Jerry said:
So I need (would appreciate) a step by step on how to take a page
from ON on my desktop to my Ipaq that has win mobile installed on it

Not many steps ;-)

1.) If not yet done, install ON Mobile to your iPAQ (from Tools |
Options | OneNote Mobile).
This will create a notebook "OneNote Mobile" with one section named
after the mobile device (f.e. "iPAQ").

2.) All notes coming from the iPAQ will be synched to there.
And all pages copied/moved to this section will be synched to the iPAQ.

3.) So just copy all of what you want to have in the iPAQ to this
section. Just use copy+paste.
It may be better, however, not to *copy* things but *move* them. This
will avoid redundant items (with all of the negative effects of data not
being in synch).
Moving is easy: Use drag+drop or select moving from the right-click
context menu.

4.) There is a PowerToy which is of great help:
Send To OneNote Mobile / Copy to Device
It will copy a selected page to the "OneNote Mobile" notebook.

In case of any further questions pls ask.



I have to stop working these late hours. Yes, 2007 by all means. Duh!

That's the easy part. That is, properly defining the version I am working
with. The hard part is interpreting what it means to "copy the page you want
to sync, to the appropriate section, in the OneNote Mobile notebook."

Rainald Taesler

Jerry said:
I have to stop working these late hours. Yes, 2007 by all means. Duh!

That's the easy part. That is, properly defining the version I am
working with. The hard part is interpreting what it means to "copy
the page you want to sync, to the appropriate section, in the OneNote
Mobile notebook."

It's really easy. Pls see my reply.


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