Can Entourage default to the bottom of inbox messages instead of the top?



I have version 11.1.0 of Entourage, and OS X 10.4 (Tiger). When I open
Entourage, my default folder is the Inbox, which is perfect (i have the
preview pane in the bottom position). however it always shows the top
of the sorted messages. I sort my messages by sent, with the newest
messages at the bottom. I realize I could sort it to have the newest
messages at the top, but that's not the way I do it in Outlook, and
I've gotten used to having the newest messages at the bottom. Is there
any way to convince Entourage to go to the bottom of my inbox instead
of the top?

Mickey Stevens

No, you can't. This was a notable change from Entourage X to Entourage
2004. I hope that your feedback is acted upon in the next release of

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