Can Form responses be emailed ?



Can we setup a Form using FP 2003 so that it would be emailed to us ?

Like a job application form... or sales report form... or whatever?

I can't see where to put an email address in the Submit button code...
maybe I'm missing it... or maybe that isn't the way to do it.

Can I do a form with only FP Exeensions at my ISP or must we use ASP?

thanks for any help on how to do simple FP forms.



Hi Mel

This forum is for access not frontpage - try the links on the left of the
page for a better answer.

In FP you don't code the submit button (just hyperlink it javascript:;).
Put the return e mail address on the form itself. - in the code it goes
below the OnSubmit in the body. But if you ask in the FP forum you will get
a more detailed answer..

Good luck

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, this newsgroup is for questions about Access, the database product
that's part of Office Professional.

Your question would be best reposted to a newsgroup dealing with FrontPage.

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