If I locate my web site, by keying in a domain name without the www prefix
into the browser address bar, my site form will submit without error.
Consequently, if I locate my web site by keying in a domain name with the www
prefix, my form will not submit. I'm wanting the form to submit with the www
prefix/fully qualified domain name, since that is what most people key into
the browser.
I've been advised from a past discussion that some host don't set up the
server to recognize www vs no www in the url. And to contact the host to fix
the problem.
The host (Yahoo) responds that FrontPage only recognizes the raw domain
name, without the www prefix.
In the Remote Web Site Properties dialogue box, under the Remote Web Site
tab, in the Remote Web Site Location text box is my domain without the www
If I change it to www, I get an error. So the advice from Yahoo seems to be
correct at the moment. But that may not be the whole story.
So, to ask someone familar with FrontPage... can FrontPage submit a form
using a www/fully qualified domain name? If it can, what do I need to tell
Yahoo to do, to get my form to submit by using a www url/fully qualified
domain name?
I Appreicate Any Suggestions.
into the browser address bar, my site form will submit without error.
Consequently, if I locate my web site by keying in a domain name with the www
prefix, my form will not submit. I'm wanting the form to submit with the www
prefix/fully qualified domain name, since that is what most people key into
the browser.
I've been advised from a past discussion that some host don't set up the
server to recognize www vs no www in the url. And to contact the host to fix
the problem.
The host (Yahoo) responds that FrontPage only recognizes the raw domain
name, without the www prefix.
In the Remote Web Site Properties dialogue box, under the Remote Web Site
tab, in the Remote Web Site Location text box is my domain without the www
If I change it to www, I get an error. So the advice from Yahoo seems to be
correct at the moment. But that may not be the whole story.
So, to ask someone familar with FrontPage... can FrontPage submit a form
using a www/fully qualified domain name? If it can, what do I need to tell
Yahoo to do, to get my form to submit by using a www url/fully qualified
domain name?
I Appreicate Any Suggestions.