Can FrontPage do this?


Henry Kolesnik
Would it be easy for a beginner to make a page similar to this using
FrontPage 2003?
What I'd like to get a site to host a similar page/pages that has pictures
of all my stuff/junk that I'm gong to sell. I want to be able to add or
delete photos on short notice with little effort. In addition I'd like to
have a line or two of test for descriptions.

Tom J

Henry Kolesnik said:
Would it be easy for a beginner to make a page similar to this using
FrontPage 2003?
What I'd like to get a site to host a similar page/pages that has
pictures of all my stuff/junk that I'm gong to sell. I want to be
able to add or delete photos on short notice with little effort. In
addition I'd like to have a line or two of test for descriptions.

As Tom Gahagan says, it's not easy, but with a little time, using
tables to set the main page so each thumbnail is in it's own cell,
changing out items would just be deleting the sold item and adding a
new item.

Then for the full photo, I created a framed page with text, but you
could just add text to the photos.

This was all done with FP except photo manipulation and sizing.

Tom Gahagan

Henry Kolesnik said:

Click the link at the bottom of the page.
Would it be easy for a beginner to make a page similar to this using
FrontPage 2003?

Easy is a relative term but the short answer is no and yes... depends on the

What I'd like to get a site to host a similar page/pages that has pictures
of all my stuff/junk that I'm gong to sell. I want to be able to add or
delete photos on short notice with little effort.

and I want to loose 50 lbs and still eat the way I do.
In addition I'd like to have a line or two of test for descriptions.
Do you mean.... TEXT ???
Why would you want to test your users? < s >

As I suggested at the first... click the link at the very bottom of the
page. It will take you to the creators of the software used to create that
page. Read the add and if you like it pay for it. There are, however, lots
of image galleries out there so you might want to do some looking around
before you rush into purchasing from Digital Dutch.

Best to you.........
Tom Gahagan

Kevin Spencer

As Murphy says, Nothing is as easy as it looks! ;-)


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.


You do know of course, that Murphy's laws were NOT written by Murphy, but by
another guy with the same name.


Yeah - I always suspected as much. From here on in, I'm going to refer to
them as Murphy's Laws, instead....


Murray said:
Yeah - I always suspected as much. From here on in, I'm going to refer to
them as Murphy's Laws, instead....

Not only so, but Murphy's original title, which got corrupted through
the middlemen, was "Murphy's In-Laws."

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