Can Grow property




I'm trying to build a simple Q&A form. I have a table

FAQ Table

Question_Num as text ----- data like 1a, 2, 3b etc
Question as text ------------ Just a question regarding my app.
Answer as memo ---------- Just the corresponding answer.

I want to construct a form that will only give the "answer" control as much
room as necessary i.e. Can Grow & Can Shrink = yes. I have a form set up
with just these 3 text boxes in the detail section with the answer box
beneath the question box. My understanding is that with these properties set
to yes, they should expand/contract to fit the amount of data in the text
box. But that's not what is happening - the size remains exactly as I put it
down in the design view. My details section propeties for Can Grow & Can
Shrink are also set to yes. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the help!



I'm trying to build a simple Q&A form. I have a table

FAQ Table

Question_Num as text ----- data like 1a, 2, 3b etc
Question as text ------------ Just a question regarding my app.
Answer as memo ---------- Just the corresponding answer.

I want to construct a form that will only give the "answer" control as much
room as necessary i.e. Can Grow & Can Shrink = yes. I have a form set up
with just these 3 text boxes in the detail section with the answer box
beneath the question box. My understanding is that with these properties set
to yes, they should expand/contract to fit the amount of data in the text
box. But that's not what is happening - the size remains exactly as I put it
down in the design view. My details section propeties for Can Grow & Can
Shrink are also set to yes. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the help!

Your 'understanding' of CanGrow and CanShrink in a form is incorrect.
Read Access Help.
In a Form, those properties are only applicable when/if the form is
printed, not if the form is displayed.

You might want to check if Stephen Lebans has something you can use:

or simply add scroll bars to the control.


Hmmmm.... back to the drawing board.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious (if only I had read the help item a
little closer)!

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