I copied the below statement from another message because I am having the
same problem. I tried the solution given below but I couldn't get it to
work. Can anyone help?
<The column on the right contains a "Notes" field so I set <this field's Can
Grow property = yes. It grows <correctly, but when it grows the field in
the left column of <the report
<will grow with it.
<Like this....
<Name Notes
<Joe Smith Went to the market to get
milk and eggs for breakfast.
But the market was bare.
<8801 West 3rd
<Kansas City, Missouri
Solution Offered:
First Problem. Try concatenating the Name and address all into one control.
That will take care of the problem of the Notes growing.
Control Source: =[ClientName] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [StreetAddress] &
& Chr(10) & [City] & ", " & [State]
Make sure your control has a different name than the fields you want to
same problem. I tried the solution given below but I couldn't get it to
work. Can anyone help?
<The column on the right contains a "Notes" field so I set <this field's Can
Grow property = yes. It grows <correctly, but when it grows the field in
the left column of <the report
<will grow with it.
<Like this....
<Name Notes
<Joe Smith Went to the market to get
milk and eggs for breakfast.
But the market was bare.
<8801 West 3rd
<Kansas City, Missouri
Solution Offered:
First Problem. Try concatenating the Name and address all into one control.
That will take care of the problem of the Notes growing.
Control Source: =[ClientName] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [StreetAddress] &
& Chr(10) & [City] & ", " & [State]
Make sure your control has a different name than the fields you want to