Can Grow



Thank you for your help:
I have report with these fields:
(Player Name-Tel-Address … etc)
The Address fields contain large text so the CanGrow= yes for the Address
The report is Designed like (Word table) or (Excel spread sheet).. every
field (Player Name-Tel-Address … etc) is rounded by border (black line)..
When the address field (CanGrow=yes) contain large text the report become
bad in run time view because the Name and Tel is designed to be CanGrow=No..
example (Address have big size , name small size, tel small size)
What I want:
In word document when designed table contain many cells if one cells contain
(large text) all cells become the (same size)…. I want my report when one of
the field CanGrow all the field become the same size?

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