Can I auto save details from one cell......


dim my file is updated automatically.

Hi all, :)

Basically the user opens my spreadsheet file, and he/she fill's in relevant
info for that individual job. Then at the end he/she saves the file under a
different name so that the original is left blank for the next job.

I wondering however, if the program can automatically save some pertinent
info to the original file regardless of what the user does. For instance, the
vehicle mileage might be put in for each job, but I want to automatically
save it so that when the original file is opened next time, the saved mileage
will be added to whatever the mileage is for the new job, and so on for the
following job, and the one after that. Then at the end of the year I can look
at the original file and see what the total years mileage was.

The sheets are locked so the users cannot mess with the formulas, and I
would like to just put this total mileage in as a locked cell so it will
never be changed.....but obviously at the end of each job the user will
select NOT to save the changes to the original file and will close it how can I save this single cell's data without the user saving
the entire file....can this be done?....maybe some sort of seperate database
file that will be automatically updated, and then have the data pulled from
automatically each time the blank original job spreadsheet is I
way off the mark?

Thanks for any advice.

Gord Dibben

Sounds like a job for the Template Wizard With Data Tracking.

You build a template and it connects to a database file.

The workbook created by the template is saved under a new name and the template
is never changed from the original.

Depending upon which version of Excel you're running the Add-in will be found
under Tools>Add-ins.

The Wizard was not included in version 2003 but the 2002 and earlier version
will work for you.

See this google search thread before proceeding.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks Gord,
Looks like I have my work cut out for me with this one! lol I better get
cracking. L8rs.

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