Can I automaticly figure "cost" and sale price in Excel?



I am trying to formulate spreadsheets to type in the product number,A, Name,
description B, in C I want to type in the amount the item is listed for by my
supplier and have a formula that will automaticly deduct the proper
percentage to arrive at and display the result as my cost. In the next Column
I want the display to be the original list price plus a % to cover shipping
and Tax. The ext column would be # on hand.
I got it to work on the first row but I cant figure out how to do the
formula for column insterad of single cell.

Thank you in advance


just copy the formula down,xcel will automatically adjust the row and column
references.If you dont want a cell reference to change(say you are
referencing a single cell for the tax and or shipping percentage predede
those with a $ eg $a$1,will always stay as a1 wether you copy down or across

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