Can I change graphics colors in Word from RGB to CYMB format?



In sending a brochure I created in Word 2003 via email to a commercial
printer, I was told it needed to be in CYMB format. Is there a way to change
my graphic & photo laden brochure from RGB to CYMB?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

CMYK is what was probably asked for, and no, Word does not support CMYK.


No. Word is not a good choice for preparing material for commercial
printing. (Apart from anything else, you can't separate the colors.) You
might be able to rescue the situation via Acrobat; but if you're going to
the expense of commercial printing you're probably better off starting again
with an application designed for the purpose, (eg PhotoShop or similar).

Tim in Ottawa

Actually, if you use .eps files, you can have cmyk and even Pantone spot
colour elements in word, but they have to be in the .eps.

Tim in Ottawa

Sorry, should have mentioned to HGB, if your commercial printer won't take
your word files as they are, find yourself another commercial printer. RGB to
cmyk is quite easy to do with Acrobat or specialized prepress equipment and


Hence my reference to saving the situation with Acrobat (which is what the
high-end version do with .eps files).


On the contrary. If the printer is prepared to spend your money doing a
full-color print job from a Word file (particularly one with a lot of
photographs), you would be well-advised to stay away from them. Although the
RGB to CMYK conversion is indeed possible, the quality is very unlikely to
be acceptable. Many printers won't touch truetype fonts, either.

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