Can I change language setting for Comments in Word ?



I receive and edit documents in English that were written by people from
other countries with their spell check language set to various languages,
especially Spanish. I can convert the whole document to spell check in
English, but this does not affect comments (even new comments) which continue
to come up as Spanish (ie all the English words underlined as incorrectly
spelled, and sometimes even changing the words to Spanish words). Short of
selecting each comment individually, highlighting all the text and changing
the 'set language' to English, is there any way I can do this for all the
comments at once? There may be 50+ in one document and it is very time
consuming to do them one by one. I use Word 2003.

Jay Freedman

This macro ought to fix your documents (see if needed):

Sub CommentLanguageEnglish()
Dim oCom As Comment
For Each oCom In ActiveDocument.Comments
oCom.Range.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
Next oCom
End Sub

If you want some other flavor of English than US, change the
"wdEnglishUS" to one of the other values (delete the "US" part and
then press Ctrl+spacebar to get a list to pick from).

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
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Brilliant. I was sceptical. But I did it and it works. Should save me hours.
Thank you.
Peter McIntyre

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