Can I change Section names in Windows Explorer?



In updating from 2003, or creating, blending, synching or in some other
manner moving sections around, I have ended up with section names in OneNote
like: " (On 12-27-2007)" That same section in Windows
Explorer is: " (On 12-27-2007).one" Will I have a problem if
I rename the one in OneNote to simply "Brainstorm" and rename the
corresponding file in Windows Explorer to ""?

thanks for your help

John Guin [msft]

Just change the section name in one location or the other. No need to change
them both.

Rainald Taesler

Roadtrekie said:
In updating from 2003, or creating, blending, synching or in some
other manner moving sections around, I have ended up with section
names in OneNote like: " (On 12-27-2007)" That same
section in Windows Explorer is: " (On
12-27-2007).one" Will I have a problem if I rename the one in
OneNote to simply "Brainstorm" and rename the corresponding file in
Windows Explorer to ""?

Either way works.
It's not necessary to change the name twice.
If you rename the section inside ON the file name is changed.
If you rename the file in the Explorer the changed name is show inside


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