Laney said:
We would like to have a high-level task calculate an average of the sub-task
percentages complete and NOT simply use the least percentage complete value.
Can this be done?
I'm not sure what you mean by "high-level task" but I assume you mean a
Summary Line. Also when talking about percentage complete I assume you
are referring to "% Complete" and not "% Work Complete" or "% Physical
Complete" (later versions of Project). I also don't know what you mean
by "least percentage complete" value. A Summary Line does not show the
least percent complete of its subtasks. Rather, it calculates % Complete
by the formula:
Summary % Complete = (sum of subtask Actual Durations)/(sum of subtask
total Durations) * 100%
The validity of % Complete at a Summary Line is always of questionable
value although I personally believe the formula shown above is more
valid than an average value would be. For example, what if one subtask
is 2 weeks in duration and all other subtasks are 2 days in duration?
More than likely the 2 week task is of more importance but in an
averaging scheme, its weight would be the same as the lesser tasks.
However, you can use any formula you wish to calculate % Complete for a
Summary Line. You will probably have to use VBA because a formula in a
custom field wouldn't know how many subtasks to include in the averaging
Now that you've go my take on the averaging method, If you still want to
pursue an averaging technique for % Complete at a Summary Line and need
help with the VBA code, post again and we can help.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP